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Sofema Online (SOL) considers specific issues related to the acceptance of aeronautical parts and materials.

Introduction - Here we will consider in depth the importance of FAA and EASA Stores Inspection Function and the steps necessary to ensure the correctness of all documentation

The role of the Aviation Stores Receiving Inspector is vital in ensuring the safety and compliance of aircraft parts and materials. By following the provided guidance, organizations can ensure that their inspectors are competent, effective, and up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices.

Hits: 528

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the MMEL Development Process


The MMEL is a document issued by the aircraft's original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that lists equipment and systems that may be inoperative for certain flight conditions. Each item on the MMEL is associated with a specific operational procedure to ensure safety during the flight. The MMEL is a critical part of an aircraft's operational certification and is a reference for creating an airline's Minimum Equipment List (MEL).

Creating a Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) for a new aircraft is a complex and lengthy process that requires a deep understanding of the aircraft's systems, operation, and safety principles. The aircraft manufacturer designs and tests the aircraft, taking into account various scenarios including situations where certain components or systems might not be operational. These tests will inform the initial draft of the MMEL.

For EASA regulatory environment we must consider Operational Suitability Data (OSD) which is a group of interconnected data elements that are necessary to demonstrate the operational suitability of an aircraft type.

The OSD is part of the aircraft type certification and includes, among other things, the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).

Hits: 1230

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the roles and responsibilities related to the performance of Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) & Safety Assessment of Community Aircraft (SACA)

Introduction - How are ramp inspections performed?

The Inspection is performed by Authorised inspectors who are using an International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) compliant checklist with 53 inspection items during ramp checks.

Category 2 and Category 3 findings are communicated to the responsible Aviation Authority for information and to the home base of the operator with the request to take appropriate action to prevent reoccurrence.

Hits: 452

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Sofema Online (SOL) introduces the role, purpose and applicable regulations related to the Ramp Inspection Programmes Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) and Safety Assessment of Community Aircraft (SACA)

EU Ramp Inspection Program

>> Used by third-country operators (SAFA) or
>> Used by operators under the regulatory oversight of another EU Member State (SACA)

Hits: 341

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the relationship between Technical and Safety Requirements when designing aircraft system modifications.


Regulations by their nature are prescriptive conversely when we consider the potential exposure by referencing safety cases as part of the assessment process, we are substantially dealing with what could be considered a subjective approach.

Safety Analysis should add value rather than be simply a “Desktop” exercise.

Hits: 374

Sofema Online (SOL) takes a deep dive into the Evolution of Flight Deck Ergonomics and considers its Impact on the Aircraft Certification Process.


Following World War II, aircraft became more complex, leading to a more crowded and confusing cockpit. The development of jet aircraft in the post-war era brought about faster and more complex machines, requiring further changes in cockpit design.

Hits: 780

Sofema Online (SOL) Reviewing Manual Workplace Hazards, Considering Challenges and Best Practices.

Introduction – Identifying Workplace Hazards

The workplace presents multiple challenges and hazards which can increase the risk of a personal injury occurring.

A detailed process, including requirements for identifying hazardous manual handling and implementing risk controls, should be documented and available to the stores and stores inspection staff.

Hits: 377

Sofema Online (SOL) looks at the basic steps to deliver conflict resolution in the workplace.


Any conflict in the workplace (regardless of its source will not be without a certain degree of stress).

and whilst conflict will be inevitable from time to time, it is important to maintain a professional approach and to preserve a positive relationship.

It is essential that act at the earliest possible opportunity, swiftly and effectively dealing with the issue in the most appropriate way. Consider the following points:

Hits: 482

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Sofema Online (SOL) considers optimum techniques and practices for lifting & handling material within the Aviation Stores Facility

Lifting and Material Handling Principles & Practice

Introduction - Employees using smart lifting practices are far less likely to suffer from back sprains, muscle pulls, wrist injuries, elbow injuries, spinal injuries, and other injuries caused by lifting heavy objects.

Potential Injury Causes

Hits: 366

Sofema Online (SOL) looks at the difference between Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict.


Effective treatment of conflict in the workplace promotes harmony and helps to maintain an efficient business process. However, It is a reality that both functional and dysfunctional types of conflict may occur in any workplace.

The challenge is to deal with it in an effective way using an appropriate level of empathy and understanding (With genuine sincerity).

Understanding the Nature of Conflict (Functional & Dysfunctional Conflict)

Hits: 341

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the Role of Software in support of Aviation Risk Management.


Aviation Risk Management Software is used to identify, assess, and support the mitigation of potential risks. Effective use of software can help ensure that they maintain a high level of safety by identifying potential risks.

Software can be used to automate tasks, provide real-time data and analytics, simplify reporting and provide guidance on how to mitigate them.

Hits: 713


Sofema Online (SOL) considers the best practice related to effective sampling during EASA-compliant audits.

Introduction - Effective sampling during aviation quality audits is crucial to ensure that the audit is comprehensive and accurate. This becomes particularly important with DATA heavy audits for example during a Reliability System Audit.

Hits: 476

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the processes by which we can manage conflict in the workplace


There is no one size fits all solution to conflict which is why we consider several different possibilities to consider and to choose the most appropriate. A key benefit is being able to step back and take a holistic view of the situation you see before you.

Considering Different Conflict Management Approaches:

Hits: 354

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Sofema Online (SOL) Considers the process for managing Special Cabin Elements

Introduction - Role of the DOA Holder

>> Classify the changes
>> Approval of minor changes and repairs (Without EASA Involvement)

Examples of major changes for cabin safety include the following:

Hits: 375

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the applicability of EASA Part CAMO & Part CAO

Introduction - When is EASA part CAMO applicable and when is EASA Part CAO applicable consider EASA Annex V Applicability Selecting the right airworthiness oversight for your aircraft

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has different regulations and oversight protocols depending on the specific needs and operations of an aircraft.

The two main oversight protocols are Part CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization) and Part CAO (Combined Airworthiness Organization).

Hits: 1928

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Sofema Online (SOL) considers the current Cabin Divider and Soft Furnishing landscape within Commercial Aircraft.

Soft furnishings must embrace flame-retardant fabrics throughout the cabin, including seat covers, carpets, curtains, and wall coverings.

>> Before the issue of any certification, the testing must comply with FAR/CS 25.853 regulation,
>> Curtain fabric is required to be wear-resistant, stain-resistant, non-toxic, and lightweight.

Hits: 585

Sofema Online (SOL) considers EASA regulatory requirements related to Aircraft Emergency Lighting Systems.

Introduction - CS 25.812 Emergency Lighting

(a) An emergency lighting system, independent of the main lighting system, must be installed.

>> Sources of general cabin illumination may be common
>> Independent Power Supply for E/Light System
>> Shall include

Hits: 729

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the role of Bow Tie Analysis within an effective Aviation Safety Management System.


Bow Tie Analysis is a risk management technique that is commonly used in various industries to identify potential hazards and assess the risks associated with them. It is a visual representation of the cause-and-effect relationship between different factors that can lead to an undesired event, along with the controls that can be implemented to prevent or mitigate the consequences of that event.

Hits: 622

Sofema Online (SOL) looks at the historical timeline of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO):


>> The Convention on International Civil Aviation, also known as the Chicago Convention, was signed on December 7, 1944, by 52 countries in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

>> The Convention established the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for the coordination and regulation of international air travel.

Hits: 403

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Sofema Online (SOL) considers the basic principles related to effective inspection of composite materials using TAP hammer method.


The following information identifies in details the basic principles of tap hammer testing as part of Aviation Composite Inspection techniques how to ensure effective practical training how to provide oversight of the correct performance of the task

Hits: 4370