Blog posts tagged in FAA

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Sofema Online (SOL), www.sofemaonline.com, considers the EASA Regulatory Framework

The Beginning of EASA / FAA Joint Certification

In the wake of the successful “technical cooperation” exemplified by the Anglo-French Concorde project, 1970 marked a significant milestone in aviation regulation. European authorities embarked on an initiative to create a harmonized set of requirements, aligning with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), for aircraft design specifications. This effort led to the establishment of the Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR 25). These requirements were recognized by the Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) of participating countries as an acceptable basis for demonstrating compliance with their national airworthiness codes. The existing airworthiness code, FAR Part 25 of the FAA, was selected as the foundation for JAR for Large Aeroplanes, commonly referred to as the Basic Code.

Hits: 678

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 Presented by Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com

Understanding aviation insurance is vital for industry professionals. This guide covers key terms like Act of God perils, aircraft coverage, and aleatory contracts. It explains important clauses, conditions, and exclusions, helping you navigate policy requirements and principles of indemnity. With this knowledge, you can better manage risks and ensure comprehensive coverage.

Act of God Perils: Natural events outside human control, such as floods, storms, or earthquakes.

Accident: An unexpected, unintended event causing loss or injury.

Aircraft: The airframe, power plants, propellers, rotors, and appliances form part of the aircraft at the inception of coverage, including parts detached and not replaced by other similar parts.

Aleatory Contract: A contract where the performance of at least one party is contingent on the occurrence of an uncertain event.

Hits: 910

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the key aspects related to FAA Parts Manufacturing Authority and the acceptance within the EASA jurisdiction.

Did you know that FAA-PMA parts are approved by EASA? Under the European system, they are not merely accepted – they are approved under Technical Implementation Procedures Revision 7 - Section 3 – Design Approval Procedures

3.3.4 PMA Parts

EASA shall directly accept all FAA PMA approvals, without further showing, for modification and/ or replacement parts for installation on products certified or validated by EASA in the following cases:

Hits: 1775

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the typical obligations of an operator related to Winter Operations De-icing & Anti-icing.


The responsibilities of aircraft operators regarding effective de-icing and anti-icing are crucial for ensuring safety during winter operations. These responsibilities are guided by several SAE International documents and standards, notably AS6285, AS6286, and AS6332, which collectively form the Globalized Aircraft Deicing Standards.

The responsibilities of aircraft operators regarding effective de-icing and anti-icing of aircraft are crucial for ensuring saf

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the proposed action to improve aviation safety by making System Safety Assessment (SSA) Certification requirements more comprehensive and consistent.

Details of Proposed Change

The FAA proposes revised and new safety standards to reduce the likelihood of potentially catastrophic risks due to latent failures in critical systems.

>> The standards would require the elimination of such risks as far as practical. When it is not practical to eliminate such a risk, the standards would require the reduction and management of any remaining risk.
>> The proposed standards would also improve the likelihood that operators discover latent failures and address them before they become an unsafe condition, rather than discovering them after they occur and the FAA addressing them with airworthiness directives (ADs).

Hits: 668

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com reviews the development of CPCP from Standalone to incorporation within the MRB process

Introduction “Corrosion Prevention and Control Programme” (CPCP)

This means a document reflecting a systematic approach to prevent and control corrosion in an aeroplane’s primary structure, consisting of basic corrosion tasks, including inspections, areas subject to those tasks, defined corrosion levels and compliance times (implementation thresholds and repeat intervals).

Hits: 1181

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the procedures for completion and use of the authorized release certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag

General Considerations and Comments (for details please see the order)

Issuance of FAA Form 8130-3 as an airworthiness approval does not constitute an export approval, because compliance with a specific country’s or jurisdiction’s special import requirements may not have been verified.

Hits: 1482

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com Considers the procedures for completion and use of Electronic Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag

General Procedures for the Use of Electronic FAA Form 8130-3

>> The use of the electronic transfer FAA Form 8130-3 procedures is strictly voluntary when issuing FAA Form 8130-3 for its intended purpose as specified in chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this order.
>> If authorized persons elect to implement the following procedures, it must be understood that both the originator and recipient of the electronic form must comply with the procedures in this chapter. If for whatever reason the data recipient is unable to accept the electronic form, the issuance of the form must be in paper format in accordance with the appropriate chapter of this order.
>> Those authorized persons who elect to issue the electronic FAA Form 8130-3 for products and articles must comply with the standardized set of data formats, the ATA Spec 2000.

Hits: 1026

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the requirements related to manpower within the FAR 145 Organisation

Introduction - FAR 145 Subpart D - Personnel

Each certificated repair station must:

>> Designate a repair station employee as the accountable manager;
>> Provide qualified personnel to plan, supervise, perform, and approve for return to service the maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations performed under the repair station certificate and operations specifications;
>> Ensure it has a sufficient number of employees with the training or knowledge and experience in the performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations authorized by the repair station certificate and operations specifications to ensure all work is performed in accordance with part 43; and
>> Determine the abilities of its noncertificated employees performing maintenance functions based on training, knowledge, experience, or practical tests.

Hits: 1236

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the reporting process for advising the Federal Aviation Administration regarding the existence of Unairworthy Conditions related to Aircraft, Engines, Propellers or Components thereof

Introduction – Ref FAA 45.63 Reports of Defects or Unairworthy Conditions.

Each certificated domestic repair station shall report to the Administrator within 72 hours after it discovers any serious defect in, or other recurring unairworthy condition of, an aircraft, powerplant, or propeller, or any component of any of them.

Hits: 1137

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers specific issues related to the acceptance of aeronautical parts and materials.

Introduction - Here we will consider in depth the importance of FAA and EASA Stores Inspection Function and the steps necessary to ensure the correctness of all documentation

The role of the Aviation Stores Receiving Inspector is vital in ensuring the safety and compliance of aircraft parts and materials. By following the provided guidance, organizations can ensure that their inspectors are competent, effective, and up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices.

Hits: 728

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the MMEL Development Process


The MMEL is a document issued by the aircraft's original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that lists equipment and systems that may be inoperative for certain flight conditions. Each item on the MMEL is associated with a specific operational procedure to ensure safety during the flight. The MMEL is a critical part of an aircraft's operational certification and is a reference for creating an airline's Minimum Equipment List (MEL).

Creating a Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) for a new aircraft is a complex and lengthy process that requires a deep understanding of the aircraft's systems, operation, and safety principles. The aircraft manufacturer designs and tests the aircraft, taking into account various scenarios including situations where certain components or systems might not be operational. These tests will inform the initial draft of the MMEL.

For EASA regulatory environment we must consider Operational Suitability Data (OSD) which is a group of interconnected data elements that are necessary to demonstrate the operational suitability of an aircraft type.

The OSD is part of the aircraft type certification and includes, among other things, the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).

Hits: 1774

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com – considers best practices and challenges related to the recovery of aircraft suffering from accidents & incidents.

Having aircraft recovery processes & procedures in place is essential for efficient airport operations, closing a runway even for a short time typically creates a significant problem with associated costs and loss of revenue for example related to aircraft diversions and flight airspace.

Hits: 1802

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com looks at some of the common questions associated with the use of FAA 8130-3.

Introduction - Does the 8130-3 Guidance Seem Confusing?

8130-3 was not designed to be solely a return-to-service document for use in complying with 14 CFR 43.9. Its other uses include export airworthiness approvals of Class II and Class III products; conformity determinations; identifying the airworthiness approval status of products (engines and propellers) in domestic transactions; airworthiness approval of parts and appliances under 14 CFR 21.305; and splitting bulk shipments of previously shipped parts.

Hits: 1925

Sofema Online (SOL)  www.sofemaonline.com considers the FAA requirements ref. US-EU MAG change 8


Approval for Release or Return to Service of a U.S.-Registered Aircraft and Foreign-Registered Aircraft Operating Under 14 CFR includes the following elements:

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Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers the route to FAA certificate of UAS equipment.

Introduction - Certification for Advanced Operations Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

What is Airworthiness?

Hits: 952

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the purpose and use of FAA 8130-3.


The 8130-3 form is an FAA-required document that is primarily used to verify parts and components within the global aviation system.

Hits: 4976

Review by Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com looking at the process which drives Safety Risk Management (SRM).

Introduction related to general principles of safety risk management:

» All system operations represent some degree of risk.
» Recognize that human interaction with elements of the system entails some element of risk.
» Keep hazards in proper perspective.

Hits: 1030

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the responsibilities of EU-based AMOs holding a 14 CFR Part 145 approval. Ref Maintenance Annex Guidance Change 8 Section C.

Introduction – Certification Process for EU-based Approved Maintenance Organizations

Initial Certification Process

Hits: 1098

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com looks at the process of delivering assurance within an FAA - EASA Compliant Safety Management System.

Introduction - Considering the Definition of Safety Assurance

» EASA – Safety assurance – all planned and systematic actions necessary to afford adequate confidence that a product, a service, an organisation, or a functional system achieves acceptable or tolerable safety.
» FAA – Safety assurance – Processes within the SMS that function systematically to ensure the performance and effectiveness of safety risk controls and that the organization meets or exceeds its safety objectives through the collection, analysis, and assessment of information.

Hits: 1131