Blog posts tagged in Aviation Safety

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the key elements that need to be managed as part of the management of Threats & Errors in Aviation Safety Management System (SMS)


Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) is designed to ensure the safe operation of aviation activities through the systematic identification, assessment, and management of safety risks. Recognition and ongoing management of both threats and errors are essential to maintaining a robust safety framework.

Hits: 468

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the key qualities which are typically found in today’s aviation leaders who are required to handle challenges whilst  ensuring compliance with EASA Regulations.

Starting your leadership career in aviation is both challenging and rewarding. By focusing on safety, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and continuous learning, you will be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the industry.

Hits: 584

Review presented by Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com


The main role of Subpart J is to ensure that organizations involved in the design of aircraft, engines, and other aeronautical products meet safety, environmental, and airworthiness standards. In essence, a Part 21J organisation serves as the key player in the design, testing, and certification of aircraft and other aeronautical products.

Hits: 380

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the role of Safety Culture within an EASA Part 145 Organisation.



By fostering a strong safety culture and ensuring effective HF training, EASA Part 145 organizations can significantly enhance their safety performance, mitigate risks, and create a work environment where safety is a shared priority and a fundamental value.

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Sofema Online (SOL), www.sofemaonline.com, considers the EASA Regulatory Framework

The Beginning of EASA / FAA Joint Certification

In the wake of the successful “technical cooperation” exemplified by the Anglo-French Concorde project, 1970 marked a significant milestone in aviation regulation. European authorities embarked on an initiative to create a harmonized set of requirements, aligning with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), for aircraft design specifications. This effort led to the establishment of the Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR 25). These requirements were recognized by the Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) of participating countries as an acceptable basis for demonstrating compliance with their national airworthiness codes. The existing airworthiness code, FAR Part 25 of the FAA, was selected as the foundation for JAR for Large Aeroplanes, commonly referred to as the Basic Code.

Hits: 598

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the various processes to best address Aviation Safety Data in an EASA-compliant SMS system.


Both quantitative and qualitative data play vital roles in the safety assessment process within an aviation SMS compliant with EASA standards.

While quantitative data provides measurable and objective insights, qualitative data offers depth and context. Effective processing of both types of data involves systematic collection, rigorous analysis, and thoughtful integration to enhance overall safety management and performance.

Hits: 909

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the key elements when conducting contracts.


In the highly specialized and regulated field of aviation, operational and maintenance contracts are foundational elements that ensure the seamless and safe functioning of aviation activities.

Legal and Regulatory Review in aviation operational and maintenance contracts is a critical process aimed at ensuring all contractual terms comply with existing legal and regulatory frameworks, safeguarding against potential legal and regulatory exposures.

Hits: 635

Sofema Online (SOL)  reviews MSAT Guidance and Best Practices


The Management System Assessment Tool (MSAT) is designed to assist organizations and assessors in evaluating both the compliance and performance aspects of a Management System (MS).

MSAT is a crucial tool for ensuring that an organization's Management System is not only compliant with regulatory requirements but also effective in managing safety and promoting continuous improvement. By following the structured guidance and best practices outlined in this document, assessors and organizations can effectively use the MSAT to evaluate and enhance the maturity and performance of their Management Systems.

Hits: 910

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the key issues to be addressed when working from heights.


Working from heights involves tasks performed in any place where, if precautions are not taken, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury.

In summary, working from heights requires strict adherence to safety legislation and standards to prevent accidents and injuries.

Both employers and employees play crucial roles in ensuring a safe working environment by complying with regulations, using appropriate safety equipment, and staying informed about best safety practices.

Hits: 605

Presented by Sofema Online (SOL) 

Managing a Safety Management System (SMS) within the framework of EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) Compliance System presents a unique set of challenges, best practices, and additional concerns as noted by the aviation industry.

Integrating SMS within the EASA Compliance Monitoring System is a complex but necessary endeavour for advancing aviation safety. The challenges of integration, including the potential for operational disruption and the risk of compliance being viewed as a mere formality, are significant but surmountable.

Hits: 601

Introduction – Sofema Online (SOL) takes a deep dive into the role & purpose of the Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP)

Continuing Airworthiness (CAW)

Definition - Continuing Airworthiness management is the process by which an aircraft is kept in a condition where it remains airworthy throughout its life - or in other words i.e. technically fit for flight. In the words of ICAO:

Hits: 1607

Here we consider a broad overview of EASA regulations, focusing on the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) main objectives, priorities, and how they shape quality assurance efforts within the aviation sector.

EASA Regulations Overview

EASA regulations are comprehensive, covering all facets of aviation safety and enabling the demonstration of compliance with the relevant ICAO Standard and recommended practices. These regulations are divided into several annexes, referred to as "Parts," each addressing different areas of aviation:

Hits: 1223

Introduced by Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com

Quality Assurance within the context of EASA Part 145 regulations plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and airworthiness of aircraft maintenance operations. These regulations mandate a comprehensive framework for Aircraft Maintenance Organisations (AMOs) to adhere to, encompassing a wide range of quality management principles and practices designed to uphold the highest standards of aircraft maintenance and safety.

The Foundation of QA in EASA Part 145

>> Accountable Manager's Responsibility: At the core of the EASA Part 145 quality system, the Accountable Manager holds ultimate responsibility for the entire Quality System, signifying the importance of leadership and accountability in maintaining quality standards.

Hits: 1275

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com Considers key aspects related to delivering an effective Aviation Security System


The history of civil aviation is marked not only by technological advancements and increased connectivity across the globe but also by periods of vulnerability to unlawful interference and terrorism.

Hits: 746

Sofema Online (SOL)  considers the key issues to be addressed when working from heights.

Introduction Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Harnesses are the cornerstone of fall protection PPE, It is important to select the right harness based on the job's specific needs and the worker's body type.

The correct selection, use, and maintenance of PPE, combined with practical demonstrations and ongoing practice sessions, are key to ensuring the safety of workers operating at heights.

It's important for organizations to prioritize these aspects and overcome any challenges through careful planning and commitment to safety standards

Hits: 508

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the key issues to be addressed when working from heights

General Introduction

In an era were working at heights remains a necessity across various industries, from Aircraft Line to Base Maintenance, the importance of safety cannot be overstated.

Throughout "Working from Heights Safely" we consider the need to equip individuals with the critical knowledge and skills needed to navigate the risks of working at elevated levels.

It is important to understand the inherent risks and legal standards related to the practical application of safety measures and equipment associated with working from heights

Whether you're stepping onto a scaffold for the first time or looking to update your safety knowledge, it is essential to ensure you have a solid understanding of safety protocols, risk assessment, and the use of protective equipment when working at heights.

Hits: 367

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the role and differences related to Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis


Qualitative and quantitative analysis provides a comprehensive and robust understanding of the subject matter.

By combining both approaches, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the type, including its functional aspects, user experience, and performance metrics

Hits: 949

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers Aircraft Deicing best practices compliant with Aerospace Standard AS6285 REV.E

Strict adherence to these guidelines is crucial for safe aircraft operations.

>> All personnel involved in deicing and anti-icing must be familiar with these procedures and exercise caution during application and post-treatment inspections.

>> Safety and efficiency in operations are the primary objectives of these practices.

Hits: 1224

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com looks at the role of EASA Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1645. Issues with Managing Cybersecurity in Aviation and Best Practices for Cybersecurity Management.


The Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1645, adopted on July 14, 2022, provides specific rules for managing information security risks in the aviation sector. This regulation is a supplement to the broader Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, which sets out common rules in civil aviation and establishes the European Union Aviation Safety Agency.

Hits: 602

Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the process by which to audit ATM/ANS Safety Management Systems - Regulation (EU) 2017/373

Why perform a compliance audit of SMS?

It is necessary to carry out compliance audits to ensure that the organisation remains in compliance with both EASA regulations for example - Regulation (EU) 2017/373 as well as internally documented processes & Procedures – The safety Management System like all other organisational elements should be “independently audited”.

Hits: 630