UK CAA Aircraft Fuel Tank Safety Training - Phases 1 & 2 - Initial

UK CAA Aircraft Fuel Tank Safety Training Phases 1 2 Initial



Fuel Tank Safety Phase 2 Initial Training (includes all Phase 1 content).

This training is aimed at persons who are receiving FTS training for the first time, it is intended to equip you with the necessary understanding regarding all issues associated with Fuel Tank Safety identified by the following documents.

Annex 1 to ED Decision 2009-006-R / Annex to ED Decision 2009-007-R / ANNEX II TO ED DECISION 2022/011/R

The term CDCCL - Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations refers to the design characteristics that have to be retained during maintenance or modification. This means that disturbing systems related to, adjacent to or having a potential impact on fuel systems identified as being at risk (as identified during the accomplishment of the stipulations of SFAR 88 and related JAR or EASA documents) may be subject to special inspections identified as CDCCL tasks in Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) and in Aircraft Maintenance Programs (AMPs). The term Fuel Tank Safety (FTS) is typically used as it is more accurate with regard to training considerations. SofemaOnline Fuel tank Safety Training includes a full understanding and explanation of CDCCL.


The course is particularly suited to personnel of approved maintenance or CAMO organizations required to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and certify the maintenance of aircraft and fuel system components of applicable aircraft.

AMC M.A.706(f)Personnel requirements
ED Decision 2020/002/R

Additional training in fuel tank safety as well as associated inspection standards and maintenance procedures should be required of CAMO technical personnel, especially the staff involved with the management of CDCCL, Service Bulletin assessment, work planning and maintenance programme management. EASA guidance is provided for training to CAMO personnel in Appendix XII to AMC M.A.706(f) and M.B.102(c).


1. Introduction

2. Abbreviations Used

3. FTS - Background: the explosions of mixtures of fuel and air, the behaviour of those mixtures in an aviation environment, the effects of temperature and pressure, energy needed for ignition etc, the ‘fire triangle’

4. Regulatory Overview - SFAR 88 of the FAA and JAA Interim Policy INT POL 25/12: ignition prevention program initiatives and goals, to identify unsafe conditions and to correct them, to systematically improve fuel tank maintenance), JAA Temporary Guidance Leaflet TGL 47
5. The basic elements of the fuel tank safety issues - Understanding of the background and the concept of fuel tank safety, Interpreting ICAW Instructions for continuing airworthiness
6. Case Studies Accidents & Incidents
7. The need for Mitigation Strategies - Ignition Source Prevention
8. FRS - Flammability Reduction systems when installed: reason for their presence, their effects, the hazards of an FRS using nitrogen for maintenance, safety precautions in maintenance/working with an FRS
9. Recording & Reporting - The Link to SMS - Recording measures and results of inspections
10. Developing Procedures

The training is designed for both CAMO and Part 145 organisations to cover the history of events related to fuel tank safety issues.

Together with a knowledge of the theoretical and practical elements of the subject, including SFAR 88 and TGL 47, understanding the concept of fuel tank system ALI and CDCCL, The delegate should be able to connect the knowledge into specific examples, in a logical and comprehensive manner, to understand how the above items affect the aircraft; to use documentation and be able to plan the action or apply a Service Bulletin and an Airworthiness Directive.

Following completion of the online training you will sit a multi choice examination with a pass mark of 75%.


Course type: Presentation with voice over
Duration equivalent to 1-day classroom training
Category: UK CAA and UK Third Country
Price: 89.00 EUR

This course is part of the following programs:

UK CAA Part 145 Initial package - HF, FTS, EWIS 1&2


3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5%
6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10%
11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15%
25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20%
> 50 courses/delegates - 25%

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