EASA AOC & ATO Compliance Monitoring System Training

EASA AOC ATO Compliance Monitoring System Training



The introduction of Regulation (EU) 965/2012 and (EU) 1178/2011 saw the requirements of Compliance Monitoring introduced in lieu of Quality Systems for AOCs, FTOs, and TRTOs. It also saw the introduction of Compliance Monitoring for the Operators for whom it may have previously not been required.

A fully integrated (into the management system) Compliance Monitoring program within an EASA approved organisation is able to deliver far more than simple identification of non-compliances.

It should ideally provide significant benefits to support the business by underpinning the Safety Management System (SMS).

This course was developed to be equally relevant for those Operators and ATOs for whom Compliance Monitoring and Quality Systems are new concepts and those for whom the new requirements are simply a transition from their existing systems. This course was also designed to give delegates sufficient theoretical auditor training for them to then continue on to an in-company auditor training programme.

The course looks in detail at maximising the effectiveness of the EASA Management System Approach and to ensure the strongest possible Compliance Monitoring and reporting function.

The course deals with effective auditing of the AOC and the Approved Training Organisation (ATO).

The Course is specifically focused to meet the needs of Compliance Auditing staff from both the AOC and ATO business areas.


a) To consider the fundamentals of an EASA compliant Aviation Compliance System together with the Key elements required to organize the Compliance Audit System processes to ensure compliance and to deliver maximum effectiveness.

b) To re-enforce a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for both the QA & SMS systems including an understanding of the different types of audit applicable for each area together with how the QMS & SMS integrates within the EASA Management System Process

c) A detailed practical understanding of the high level and working level regulations.

d) To provide sufficient theoretical auditor training for them to be able to continue to develop within the “in-company” auditor training programme.

e) An essential element then of benefiting from this training is to focus on the issues, how they relate in our work place, and what we need to do to address them.

f) How to identify areas which need special attention and how to focus our efforts on making sure our trainings deliver in all relevant areas.


2.Abbreviations and Terms
3.EASA Regulatory Background & Framework
4.QMS & SMS Relationship Challenges and Misconceptions
5.The role of the Quality Auditor - What are the challenges we face?
6.Regulatory responsibilities of the Compliance Manager
7.Requirements of Compliance Monitoring Systems in ORO.GEN 200
8.Related Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Materials ORO.GEN.200
9.Audit Considerations Related to Compliance Monitoring System (CMS) for Approved Training Organisation (ATO)
10.Accountable Manager and Post Holder Responsibilities and Relationships
11.The Challenges of Effective Compliance Auditing
12.Auditor Competency and Development Issues
13.Types and Relationship of Audits
14.Where to use System and Process Audits?
15.Introduction to EASA Compliant Aviation Auditing - Best Behaviour
16.How to Physically Perform an Audit - Where are the Challenges?
17.The role of Surveillance Audits, Observation & Witnessing of related activities
18.Developing your interview skills - Best Practice
19.Understanding the Psychology of an Aviation Auditee
20.Corrective Action (CA) Preventative Action (PA)
21.Developing an Audit Plan - Objectives, Criteria, Capacity Planning, Delivery
22.Audit Checklists Management, Development and Validation - Use of Checklists during the Audit
23.Maintaining Documentation and Records within the QMS
24.Delivering an EASA Ops Audit - Best Practice
25.Dealing with Situations arising during the Audit/Communication Ensure Effectiveness
26.Managing Meetings to Open and Close the Audit
27.The Role of Root Cause Analysis Related to Compliance Audits
28.Measuring the Effectiveness of the Quality Assurance System & Improving audit performance
29.Management Evaluation - How to Ensure Effectiveness


Upon completion of this course, it is anticipated that participants with average aptitude will be competent to undertake a role in the management and/or audit function of a Compliance Monitoring System within an air Operator and ATO (as specific to their role within that organisation).


This course is intended for anyone wishing to undertake the role of an auditor within such an ATO and Operator organisation. It may also be suitable for any other individuals connected with ATO and air operations who wish to expand their knowledge of the functioning of aviation systems (the Compliance Monitoring System basic requirements are similar in most spheres of European Aviation).

It is beneficial for participants to have at least a basic understanding of the principles behind ATO and Operator management systems although this is not essential.


Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 3-day classroom training
Category: Aviation Quality
Price: 182.00 EUR


3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5%
6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10%
11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15%
25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20%
> 50 courses/delegates - 25%

For multiple courses/users discount please contact us at [email protected]