UAE GCAA CAR M Initial.v2



The primary purpose of this training is to provide a thorough understanding of the Role of CAR M in all jurisdictions managed by an GCAA Regulatory environment. To introduce delegates to the working of the CAR M Regulatory Structure and to enable a full understanding of the operator’s responsibilities, Contracted arrangements, and Subpart G responsibilities.

The Training focuses on the Operators specific responsibilities, In particular the role of Contract and Subcontract organisations.

In addition, to provide a general overview of all parts of GCAA CAR M and to provide in detail an in-depth understanding of Subparts C, G and I.

The training is very practical with numerous examples, which are intended to give a practical perspective of how to apply the knowledge that they gain in the workplace and to satisfy the needs of the Accountable Manager responsible for UAE Operators, Maintenance Post Holders, Quality Managers, and CAR 145 maintenance organisations wishing to gain CAR M Subpart G approval.


a) Achieve a solid understanding related to Subpart G Continued Airworthiness Management (CAM) and Subpart I Airworthiness Review Certificates (ARC)
b) Be able to demonstrate Part M Functionality and to avoid or mitigate problems
c) Appreciate the difference between Full ARC’s and Reviews
d) A detailed understanding of the PART M Quality System –The difference between QA & QC Roles and responsibilities
e) Be able to use the regulation to proactively manage the Continuing Airworthiness (CA) of your aircraft.
f) Understand the activities which support the analysis of Safety Data including SB’s and AD’s
g) Understand the purpose of STC’s and how they are integrated into the maintenance Program
h) Understand the roles and responsibilities within the various CAMO groups including Reliability, Technical Records, Engineering, & Maintenance Planning


1.Abbreviations & Definitions
2.Review of Changes CAR Part V CAR-Part M Continuing Airworthiness Requirements
3. Regulatory Framework
4.Organisations Approval Ratings
5.UAE CAR M Supplement S-1 Organisation Requirements
6.UAE CAR M CAME Supplement
7.Managing Competence Within a GCAA CAR CAMO Organisation
8.Contract & Subcontract Management
9.SMS and CAR M
10.Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Product Audit
11.AE GCAA CAR M Maintenance Check Flight Considerations
12.UAE GCAA CAR M Modification & Repair Review
13.CAR M.001/Subpart A - General
14.Subpart B – Accountability
15.Subpart C - Continuing Airworthiness
16.Subpart D - Maintenance Standards
17.Subpart E - Components (Subpart F - Maintenance Organisation Approval (Not covered in this training, to be included in CAR ML training)
18.Subpart G - Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization
19.Subpart H - Certificate of Release to Service
20.Subpart I - Airworthiness Review Introduction
21.Maintenance Organisation Review Certificate (MORC) Regulations
22.Review of Subpart G ARC Management Processes
23.Review of ARC training and Qualification Process
24.Performing an ARC including Documentation Review and Physical


The primary purpose of this training is to provide a thorough understanding of the Role of CAR M in specific the area of the CAMO & ARC.

In addition:
- To provide a general overview of all Parts of GCAA CAR M;
- To provide in details an in depth understanding of
Subparts C, G and I;
- The use of a Controlled environment and managing The Airworthiness Review Process;
- Obtaining Subpart G approval;
- Understand the Records review and Physical survey in relation to each other;
- Review the recommendation to issue and extend the ARC;
- Review the potential effect on Subpart G organisations Quality systems;
- Review how the Competent Authority authorises signatories;
- Consider the “Controlled Environment”.


This course is aimed at UAE Operators, Subpart G CAMOs, Quality Managers, CAMs, Airworthiness Review Staff, NAA staff.


Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 3-day classroom training
Category: FAA - UAE - OTAR & General
Price: 182.00 EUR


3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5%
6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10%
11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15%
25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20%
> 50 courses/delegates - 25%

For multiple courses/users discount please contact us at [email protected]