Aviation Continuing Airworthiness Trainer & Assessor Initial Training Package

 Aviation Continuing Airworthiness Trainer Assessor Recurrent Training Package



Sofema Online (SOL) offers a new package of online training courses specifically developed for new EASA Part 145 or 147 instructors who are seeking an introduction to the various techniques that contribute to the effectiveness of the aviation trainer.

Build Competence and develop skills that will enable you to provide instructional support for both EASA 145 & EASA 147 training objectives.

Support the delivery of training to the highest possible standard of technical and behavioral instructional skills. Understand the best practices to be able to engage with continuous professional development and commit to continuous improvement as an instructor.



EASA Continuing Airworthiness Instructor - Train the Trainer Initial

Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 4-day classroom training
Price: 225.00 EUR

This training is specifically designed to support trained and competent "Maintenance Personnel“ who have a desire and willingness to become 145 & 147 Instructor, Trainers and Mentors. If you have a willingness together with Experience, Beliefs, Knowledge, and are able to answer Questions the course will help you to understand how to engage with students.

The course serves as an introduction to the skills and techniques required across a range of areas including Part 145 HF. EWIS, FTS as well as Part 66 Basic Module and Type Rated Training (TRT).

EASA Part 145 / Part 147 Supervisor & Assessor Training Skills Development

Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 1-day classroom training
Price: 89.00 EUR

EASA Regulations Provide for EASA Part 145 / 147 Organisational Theoretical & Practical Training in support of Task Training for CAT A and CAT B2 Aircraft Engineers.

In addition, EASA Regulations provide for On the Job Training (OJT) following completion of the First Type Training in each Category.

Part 145 Foundation with VO

Course type: Presentation with voice over
Duration equivalent to half-day classroom training
Price: 69.00 EUR

The Aims of the course are to provide delegates with a detailed practical understanding of EASA Regulations relevant to the Part 145 Environment as well as an overview of all parts of EASA Part145, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of EASA Part145 and how it interfaces with Part M.

EASA Part 147 Regulatory Training – Foundation

Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to half-day classroom training
Price: 69.00 EUR

This course provides delegates with an introduction to the Part 147 approved training organisations process and is specifically aimed at new starters as well as other persons wishing to achieve an introductory understanding of the role of EASA Part 147.

Through attending this course the delegates will achieve an awareness of the related Quality Management Principles applicable to EASA Part 147 organisations, the training will also appeal to anyone who needs to have an increased level of awareness concerning the responsibilities to comply with EASA 147 regulations.

Part 66 Foundation

Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to half-day classroom training
Price: 69.00 EUR

EASA Part-66 is a common European aircraft maintenance licence recognized in all EASA member states. The regulations define the conditions under which a maintenance engineer is authorized to release an aircraft into service after a maintenance operation. On the basis of the Maintenance Engineers Licence, together with satisfactory demonstration of competency and knowledge of organizational procedures the personal authorization document is issued by an approved Part-145 organization.

The conditions required are defined by minimum education requirements (school and college certificates, language competency, etc) as well as type rating qualifications for the relevant aircraft or particular tasks.

5 certificates will be available for you to download following successful course and examination completion.

You can request a Soft Copy Certificate for your Package by sending us the certificates of all courses comprising it at [email protected]

Regular price of the courses when undertaken individually - 521.00 EUR.
Save 171.00 EUR with our Special Package offer, now available for 350.00 EUR.


Course type: Promo Package
Package consists of:
EASA Continuing Airworthiness Instructor - Train the Trainer
EASA Part 145 / Part 147 Supervisor & Assessor Training Skills Development
Part 145 Foundation with VO
EASA Part 147 Regulatory Training – Foundation
Part 66 Foundation
Price: 521 EUR 350.00 EUR

Important: Once purchased the courses will be available in My Courses tab, or use the links provided on this page.