How Do Progressive Regulatory Authorities and 147 Organizations Approach Online Training

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SofemaOnline (SOL) considers the role and purpose of online instructional training courses.

Introduction by Steve Bentley CEO of SofemaOnline:

As of 2022 EASA permits all Type Training and up to 50% of practical training to be performed online. The reality is that the post-COVID world will never be the same and the willingness of people to engage with online training has never been more evident.

SOL offers Online Train the Trainer courses specifically developed to support the training of trainers in the domain of Continuing Airworthiness - specifically in EASA Part 147, EASA Part 145 and EASA Part M.

Since its inception in 2008 several hundred people have competed our train the trainer programs and we have received strong and positive feedback.

Is there a Problem?

Unfortunately, we still see a small number of organisations and regulatory authorities who are not forward-thinking and do not fully appreciate the role of online training.

It is simply a step on the Instructors Learning Path and Needs to be considered in the context of additional mentoring and practical hands-on instructional guidance and assessment.

Reality Check

Online training in essence is the provision of information and a Train the Trainer Course - will never make you an instructor.

Let's have a clear understanding here because it is important to understand that an online equivalent of a  3 or 4-day training does not “Deliver” a trainer and clearly we would be naïve if we were to believe this to be so.

Rather it is part of a systematic process of building soft skills and competence across a range of topics that support the organization.

The advantages and disadvantages of your own “in house” program!


Your continuing Airworthiness Training does not have to be a full time they can be successfully employed within the production environment. (An extremely cost-effective solution for many organisations).

Trainers can be available for new staff and can deliver training at relatively short notice. In addition, flexibility can be built into the program to support the development of competence management and oversight in accordance with the requirements of AMC 145.A.30 (e).


The program must be managed by a competent person who has a thorough understanding of all issues (For example the Part 147 or Part 145 Quality Manager). This requires a significant effort plus ownership.

The competence of the instructors must also be ensured and managed (this is key to the success of the program as a weak instructor will deliver weak training which will undervalue and undermine the program).

It is taken for granted that there is a prerequisite knowledge of the underlying subject with which you intend to become your organization’s “Trainer.”

A Cautionary Note!

It is not possible to take a person with little or no Instructional experience and (based on the completion of a single course - any course!) for them to immediately become a 145 or 147 Trainer (even it could be considered an organizational risk exposure to believe this is possible).

In addition, it is apparent that some organisations and some regulatory authorities believe it is possible for a Train the Trainer Course to be approved by EASA - Manifestly NOT Correct.

The key to success for Continuing Airworthiness Instructors is managing competence and the instructors learning path.

Important Note - Completing a relatively short Train the Trainer (TTT) SofemaOnline Course is the beginning and not the end of the story. Simply put it is a step on your learning path.

As an Instructor myself, it was almost 2 years before I felt that I attained a level of competence where I was comfortable considering myself an instructor.

SofemaOnline Supports the Knowledge and Competence Building Process

At Sofema we recognize the importance to work with our clients to ensure the material meets the course objectives - It is for this reason that SofemaOnline provides Free of Charge Guest Access to Quality & Training Managers to assess the suitability and compliance of the provided material.

Last year we had over 17000 enrollments including some hundreds related to Aviation Train the Trainer.

Next Steps

Please see where we offer a number of courses that support the Instructors Learning Path or Email [email protected]  

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